Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import io
import logging
import os
import stat
import sys

from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
from plumbum import SshMachine, local, ProcessExecutionError

from freckles.defaults import MODULE_FOLDER
from freckles.exceptions import FrecklesConfigException

log = logging.getLogger("freckles")

[docs]class ShellRunner(object): def __init__(self): if not hasattr(sys, "frozen"): template_dir = os.path.join(MODULE_FOLDER, "templates", "shell_adapter") else: template_dir = os.path.join( sys._MEIPASS, "freckles", "templates", "shell_adapter" ) self.jinja_env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(template_dir))
[docs] def render_environment(self, run_env_dir, tasklist, skip_exodus=True): # making the run environment user accessible only os.chmod(run_env_dir, 0o0700) result = {"run_dir": run_env_dir, "run_dir_name": os.path.basename(run_env_dir)} working_dir = os.path.join(run_env_dir, "working_dir") os.mkdir(working_dir) executables_dir = os.path.join(run_env_dir, "executables") os.mkdir(executables_dir) result["working_dir"] = working_dir result["executables_dir"] = executables_dir log.debug("Creating shell script from template...") template = self.jinja_env.get_template("") extra_paths = [] functions = {} all_exodus_binaries = [] for task in tasklist: for f_name, f_details in task.get("files", {}).items(): target = os.path.join(executables_dir, f_name) f_type = f_details["type"] if f_type == "string_content": content = f_details["content"] with, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(content) # make executable st = os.stat(target) os.chmod(target, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC) elif f_type == "exodus-binary": name = f_details["binary-name"] if name not in all_exodus_binaries: all_exodus_binaries.append(name) else: raise FrecklesConfigException( "Unknown external file type: {}".format(f_type) ) for f_name, f_details in task.get("functions", {}).items(): if f_name in functions.keys(): log.warning("Duplicate function: {}".format(f_name)) functions[f_name] = f_details if not skip_exodus: exodus_bundle = os.path.join(run_env_dir, "exodus-binaries", "") exodus_cmd = local["exodus"] exodus_args = ["-o", exodus_bundle] exodus_args.append(all_exodus_binaries) rc, stdout, stderr = result["tasklist"] = tasklist repl_dict = { "extra_paths": extra_paths, "functions": functions, "tasklist": tasklist, } rendered = template.render(repl_dict) run_script = os.path.join(run_env_dir, "") with, "w", encoding="utf-8") as rs: rs.write(rendered) # make executable st = os.stat(run_script) os.chmod(run_script, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC) result["run_script"] = run_script return result
[docs] def run( self, run_properties, run_cnf, # output_callback, result_callback, parent_task, # callback_adapter, delete_env=False, ): # run_dir = run_properties["run_dir"] hostname = run_cnf.get("host") connection_type = run_cnf.get("connection_type", None) if connection_type is None: if hostname in ["localhost", ""]: connection_type = "local" else: connection_type = "ssh" if connection_type == "ssh": remote = True ssh_key = run_cnf.get("ssh_key") user = run_cnf.get("user") host_ip = run_cnf.get("host_ip") ssh_port = run_cnf.get("ssh_port") # otherwise we run into problems with Vagrant if host_ip: h = host_ip else: h = hostname machine = SshMachine(h, port=ssh_port, user=user, keyfile=ssh_key) else: remote = False machine = local no_run = run_cnf.get("no_run") if no_run: return run_properties if remote: raise Exception("Not implemented yet") # copy execution environment # td = TaskDetail( # "uploading execution environment", task_type="upload", task_parent=td # ) # upload_task = td.add_subtask( # "uploading execution environment", category="upload" # ) # machine.upload(run_dir, "/tmp") # upload_task.finish(success=True, changed=True, skipped=False) # run_script = os.path.join("/tmp", run_properties[""]) else: run_script = run_properties["run_script"] machine.env["ECHO_TASK_START"] = "true" machine.env["ECHO_TASK_FINISHED"] = "true" cmd = machine["bash"] # rc, stdout, stderr =[run_script], retcode=None) current_task = parent_task current_task_stdout = None current_task_stderr = None pending_finshed = None try: popen = cmd.popen(run_script) current_task_id = -1 log.debug("Reading command output...") for line in popen.iter_lines(): log.debug(line) stderr = line[1] stdout = line[0] stderr_processed = False if stdout: if stdout.startswith("STARTING_TASK["): if pending_finshed: stdout_msg = "\n".join(current_task_stdout) stderr_msg = "\n".join(current_task_stderr) current_task = current_task.finish( msg=stdout_msg, error_msg=stderr_msg, **pending_finshed ) pending_finshed = None current_task_stdout = [] current_task_stderr = [] index = stdout.index("]") task_id = int(stdout[14:index]) current_msg = stdout[index + 2 :].strip() # noqa # print(stdout) if task_id > current_task_id: # print("starting: {}".format(msg)) # td = TaskDetail( # task_name=current_msg, # task_type="script-command", # task_parent=current_task, # task_title=current_msg, # freckles_task_id=task_id, # ) current_task = current_task.add_subtask( task_name=current_msg, category="script-command", reference=task_id, ) # output_callback.task_started(td) current_task_id = task_id if stderr: current_task_stderr.append(stderr) stderr_processed = True elif stdout.startswith("FINISHED_TASK["): index = stdout.index("]") task_id = int(stdout[14:index]) rc = int(stdout[index + 2 :]) # noqa if rc == 0: success = True skipped = False changed = True elif rc == 100: success = True skipped = False changed = False elif rc == 101: success = True skipped = True changed = False else: success = False skipped = None changed = None if stderr: current_task_stderr.append(stderr) stderr_processed = True pending_finshed = dict( success=success, changed=changed, skipped=skipped ) else: if stdout: if stdout.lower().startswith("error:"): current_task_stderr.append(stdout[6:]) else: current_task_stdout.append(stdout) if stderr and not stderr_processed: current_task_stderr.append(stderr) rc = popen._proc.returncode if pending_finshed: stdout_msg = "\n".join(current_task_stdout) stderr_msg = "\n".join(current_task_stderr) current_task = current_task.finish( msg=stdout_msg, error_msg=stderr_msg, **pending_finshed ) run_properties["return_code"] = rc run_properties["signal_status"] = -1 except (ProcessExecutionError) as e: # for l in current_task_stdout: # current_task.add_result_msg(l) # for l in current_task_stderr: # current_task.add_result_error(l) current_task.finish(success=False, msg=stdout, error_msg=str(e)) if remote: raise Exception("not implemented yet") # if delete_env: # td = TaskDetail( # "deleting execution environment", # task_type="delete", # task_parent=current_task, # ) # task_ # output_callback.task_started(td) # delete = machine["rm"] # rc, stdout, stderr = # ["-r", os.path.join("/tmp", run_properties["env_dir_name"])] # ) # success = rc == 0 # output_callback.register_task_finished(td, success=success) # machine.close() return run_properties