Source code for freckles.context.config

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import io
import json
import os
from collections import Mapping, Iterable

from ruamel.yaml import YAML
from six import string_types

from freckles.exceptions import FrecklesConfigException, FrecklesUnlockException
from freckles.frecklet.arguments import *  # noqa
from frutils.config.cnf import Cnf

# from .output_callback import DefaultCallback
from ting.ting_attributes import (
from ting.ting_cast import TingCast
from ting.tings import TingTings

log = logging.getLogger("freckles")

yaml = YAML()

[docs]class ContextConfigTingCast(TingCast): """A :class:`TingCast` to create freckles profiles by reading yaml files.""" CNF_PROFILE_ATTRIBUTES = [ FileStringContentAttribute(target_attr_name="ting_content"), FrontmatterAndContentAttribute( content_name="content", source_attr_name="ting_content" ), ValueAttribute("config_dict", source_attr_name="content"), # CnfTingAttribute(), DictContentAttribute( source_attr_name="content", dict_name="config_dict", default={}, copy_default=True, ), ] def __init__(self): super(ContextConfigTingCast, self).__init__( class_name="ContextConfigProfile", ting_attributes=ContextConfigTingCast.CNF_PROFILE_ATTRIBUTES, ting_id_attr="filename_no_ext", )
[docs]class ContextConfigs(TingTings): """A class to manage freckles profiles. This reads all '*.profile' files in the freckles config folder. Those are later used to create a freckles context (per profile). It also checks whether there exists a 'default.profile' file with the 'accept_freckles_license' value set to 'true'. Only if that is the case will it allow custom profiles (mainly for security reasons - the user should explicitely accept that certain configurations can be insecure). """ DEFAULT_TING_CAST = ContextConfigTingCast
[docs] @classmethod def load_configs(cls): cnf = Cnf({}) cnf.add_interpreter("root_config", FRECKLES_CONTEXT_SCHEMA) profile_load_config = cnf.add_interpreter( "profile_load", PROFILE_LOAD_CONFIG_SCHEMA ) configs = ContextConfigs.from_folders( "cnf_profiles", FRECKLES_CONFIG_DIR, load_config=profile_load_config, cnf=cnf, ) return configs
def __init__(self, repo_name, tingsets, cnf, **kwargs): # check whether freckles license is accepted self._default_config_path = os.path.join(FRECKLES_CONFIG_DIR, "default.context") try: with, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: default_context_dict = yaml.load(f) self._config_unlocked = ( default_context_dict.get(ACCEPT_FRECKLES_LICENSE_KEYNAME, False) is True ) except (Exception): self._config_unlocked = False if cnf is None: raise Exception("Base configuration object can't be None.") if "profile_load" not in cnf.get_interpreter_names(): raise Exception("No 'profile_load' cnf interpreter available.") load_config = cnf.get_interpreter("profile_load") if "root_config" not in cnf.get_interpreter_names(): raise Exception("No root_config profile interpreter in cnf.") self._cnf = cnf self._root_config = cnf.get_interpreter("root_config").config self._default_profile_values = None super(ContextConfigs, self).__init__( repo_name=repo_name, tingsets=tingsets, load_config=load_config, indexes=["filename_no_ext"], )
[docs] def create_context_config( self, context_name, config_chain=None, extra_repos=None, use_community=False ): if config_chain is None: config_chain = [] elif isinstance(config_chain, tuple): config_chain = list(config_chain) if isinstance(config_chain, (string_types, Mapping)): config_chain = [config_chain] elif not isinstance(config_chain, Iterable): config_chain = [config_chain] dict_chain = [self._root_config] if os.path.exists(self._default_config_path): # always use default config config_chain.insert(0, "default") for index, config in enumerate(config_chain): # check if string if isinstance(config, string_types): config = config.strip() if config in self.keys(): if not self._config_unlocked and config != "default": raise FrecklesUnlockException( "Access to context '{}' not allowed.".format(config) ) # means we want the config from the file config = self.get(config).config_dict elif not config.startswith("{") and "=" in config: key, value = config.split("=", 1) if value.lower() in ["true", "yes"]: value = True elif value.lower() in ["false", "no"]: value = False # elif "::" in value: # value = value.split("::") else: try: value = int(value) except (Exception): # fine, we'll just use the string # TODO: support lists pass config = {key: value} elif config.startswith("{"): # trying to read json try: config = json.loads(config) except (Exception): raise Exception( "Can't assemble profile configuration, don't know how to handle: {}".format( config ) ) else: if "=" not in config: raise FrecklesConfigException( msg="Could not assemble context configuration.", reason="No configuration file '{}.context' in config dir.".format( config ), solution="Create context config '{}.context' in '{}' or use correct configuration syntax if that is not what you intended.".format( config, FRECKLES_CONFIG_DIR ), references={ "freckles configuration documentation": "" }, ) raise Exception( "Can't create profile configuration, invalid config: {}.".format( config ) ) if isinstance(config, Mapping): dict_chain.append(config) else: raise Exception( "Can't assemble profile configuration, unknown type '{}' for value '{}'".format( type(config), config ) ) cc = ContextConfig( alias=context_name, config_chain=dict_chain, extra_repos=extra_repos, use_community=use_community, config_unlocked=self._config_unlocked, ) return cc
[docs]class ContextConfig(object): def __init__( self, alias, config_chain=None, extra_repos=None, use_community=False, config_unlocked=False, ): if config_chain is None: config_chain = [] if len(config_chain) > 0: self._root_config = Cnf(config_chain[0]) else: self._root_config = Cnf({}) self._config_unlocked = config_unlocked self._alias = alias self._config_chain = config_chain self._extra_repos = extra_repos self._use_community = use_community merged = {} for d in config_chain: dict_merge(merged, d, copy_dct=False) repos_to_add = [] if use_community: repos_to_add.append("community") if extra_repos: if isinstance(extra_repos, string_types): repos_to_add.append(extra_repos) else: repos_to_add.extend(list(extra_repos)) merged.setdefault("repos", []) for repo in repos_to_add: merged["repos"].append(repo) self._config_dict = merged self._cnf = Cnf(self._config_dict) self.add_cnf_interpreter("context", FRECKLES_CONTEXT_SCHEMA) @property def cnf(self): return self._cnf @property def config_unlocked(self): return self._config_unlocked
[docs] def add_cnf_interpreter(self, interpreter_name, schema): # we need that to compare with 'no config' option self._root_config.add_interpreter(interpreter_name, schema) self._cnf.add_interpreter(interpreter_name, schema)
[docs] def config(self, interpreter_name, *overlays): if interpreter_name is None: interpreter_name = "context" interpreter = self._cnf.get_interpreter(interpreter_name) config = interpreter.overlay(*overlays) if self._config_unlocked: return config not_allowed = [] for k, v in config.items(): tags = interpreter.get_tags(k) value = interpreter.get(k) if "safe" not in tags: orig_value = self._root_config.get_interpreter_value( interpreter_name, k, None ) if value != orig_value: not_allowed.append(k) if not_allowed: raise FrecklesUnlockException( "Access prevented to configuration key(s): {}.".format( ", ".join(not_allowed) ) ) return config
[docs] def config_value(self, key, interpreter_name=None): if interpreter_name is None: interpreter_name = "context" # print(interpreter_name) interpreter = self._cnf.get_interpreter(interpreter_name) if self._config_unlocked: return interpreter.get(key) # check whether this config value is 'safe' try: tags = interpreter.get_tags(key) except (Exception): tags = [] value = interpreter.get(key) if "safe" not in tags: orig_value = self._root_config.get_interpreter_value( interpreter_name, key, None ) if value != orig_value: val = str(value) if len(val) < 12: val = " with (non-default) value '{}'".format(val) raise FrecklesUnlockException( "Setting of configuration key '{}'{} not allowed.".format(key, val) ) return value