Source code for freckles.frecklet.frecklet

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
from collections import Sequence

from ruamel.yaml.comments import CommentedMap

from freckles.frecklecutable import FrecklecutableMixin
from freckles.frecklet.doc import render_html, render_markdown
from ting.ting_attributes import MultiCacheResult
from .tasks import *  # noqa

log = logging.getLogger("freckles")

[docs]class FreckletsTemplateKeysAttribute(TingAttribute):
[docs] def requires(self): return ["_metadata"]
[docs] def provides(self): return ["template_keys"]
[docs] def get_attribute(self, ting, attribute_name=None): template_keys = get_template_keys( ting._metadata[FRECKLETS_KEY], jinja_env=DEFAULT_FRECKLES_JINJA_ENV ) return template_keys
[docs]class FreckletAugmentMetadataAttribute(TingAttribute):
[docs] def requires(self): return ["_metadata_raw"]
[docs] def provides(self): return ["_metadata"]
[docs] def get_attribute(self, ting, attribute_name=None): raw = ting._metadata_raw if isinstance(raw, string_types): raise Exception( "Invalid frecklet: content needs to be a list or dict: {}".format(raw) ) if isinstance(raw, Sequence): md = {"frecklets": raw} elif not isinstance(raw, Mapping): raise Exception("Invalid frecklet: content needs to be a list or dict") else: md = raw if "frecklets" not in md.keys(): raise Exception("Invalid frecklet: no frecklets task list") if "meta" not in md.keys(): md["meta"] = {} if "doc" not in md.keys(): md["doc"] = {} if "args" not in md.keys(): md["args"] = {} return md
[docs]class FreckletValidAttribute(TingAttribute): def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def provides(self): return ["valid", "invalid_exception"]
[docs] def requires(self): return ["exploded"]
[docs] def get_attribute(self, ting, attribute_name=None): try: exploded = ting.exploded log.debug("checking exploded data structure: {}".format(exploded)) result = {"valid": True, "invalid_exception": None} except (Exception) as e: log.debug("Validation for frecklet failed.") log.debug(e, exc_info=1) result = {"valid": False, "invalid_exception": e} return MultiCacheResult(**result)
[docs]class FreckletExplodedAttribute(TingAttribute): def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def provides(self): return ["exploded"]
[docs] def requires(self): return ["vars_frecklet", "doc", "tasklist"]
[docs] def get_attribute(self, ting, attribute_name=None): result = CommentedMap() result["doc"] = ting.doc.exploded_dict() result["args"] = CommentedMap() for k, arg in ting.vars_frecklet.items(): details = arg.pretty_print_dict(full_details=True) result["args"][k] = details result["frecklets"] = [] for task in ting.tasklist: r = CommentedMap() r[FRECKLET_KEY_NAME] = task[FRECKLET_KEY_NAME] if TASK_KEY_NAME in task.keys() and task[TASK_KEY_NAME]: r[TASK_KEY_NAME] = task[TASK_KEY_NAME] if VARS_KEY in task.keys() and task[VARS_KEY]: r[VARS_KEY] = task[VARS_KEY] result["frecklets"].append(r) return result
[docs]class FreckletMetaAttribute(ValueAttribute): def __init__(self): super(FreckletMetaAttribute, self).__init__( target_attr_name="meta_frecklet", source_attr_name="_metadata", default={} )
[docs] def get_attribute(self, ting, attribute_name=None): result = ValueAttribute.get_attribute(self, ting, attribute_name=attribute_name) return result
[docs]class FreckletHtmlAttribute(TingAttribute): def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def provides(self): return ["html"]
[docs] def requires(self): return []
[docs] def get_attribute(self, ting, attribute_name=None): try: html = render_html(ting) return html except (Exception) as e: return "<p>Can't render frecklet {}: {}".format(, e)
[docs]class FreckletMarkdownAttribute(TingAttribute): def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def provides(self): return ["markdown"]
[docs] def requires(self): return []
[docs] def get_attribute(self, ting, attribute_name=None): try: markdown = render_markdown(ting) return markdown except (Exception) as e: import traceback traceback.print_exc() return "Can't render frecklet {}: {}".format(, e)
[docs]class PagelingMetadataAttribute(TingAttribute): def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def provides(self): return ["pageling_metadata"]
[docs] def requires(self): return ["wrapped"]
[docs] def get_attribute(self, ting, attribute_name=None): frecklet = ting.wrapped result = {} result["title"] = result["is_draft"] = frecklet.meta.get("draft", False) return result
[docs]class PagelingContentAttribute(TingAttribute): def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def provides(self): return ["pageling_content"]
[docs] def requires(self): return ["wrapped"]
[docs] def get_attribute(self, ting, attribute_name=None): frecklet = ting.wrapped return str(frecklet.doc)
[docs]class PagelingNavPathAttribute(TingAttribute): def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def provides(self): return ["tree_path"]
[docs] def requires(self): return ["wrapped"]
[docs] def get_attribute(self, ting, attribute_name=None): frecklet = ting.wrapped if hasattr(frecklet, "rel_path_no_ext"): rel_path = frecklet.rel_path_no_ext else: rel_path = "misc/{}".format( tokens = rel_path.split(os.path.sep) if len(tokens) == 1: return "/" + tokens[0] else: return "/" + tokens[0] + "/" + tokens[-1]
FRECKLET_LOAD_CONFIG = { "class_name": "Frecklet", "attributes": [ { "ArgsAttribute": { "source_attr_name": "_metadata", "target_attr_name": "args", "index_attr_name": "_meta_parent_repo", # "validate_list_attr": "template_keys", } }, {"DocAttribute": {"source_attr_name": "_metadata"}}, "FreckletMetaAttribute", "FreckletAugmentMetadataAttribute", "FreckletsAttribute", "TaskListDetailedAttribute", "FreckletHtmlAttribute", "FreckletMarkdownAttribute", "FreckletExplodedAttribute", "FreckletValidAttribute", "TaskTreeAttribute", { "VariablesAttribute": { "target_attr_name": "vars_frecklet", "default_argument_description": {"required": True, "empty": False}, } }, { "VariablesFilterAttribute": { "target_attr_name": "vars_required", "source_attr_name": "vars_frecklet", "required": True, } }, { "VariablesFilterAttribute": { "target_attr_name": "vars_optional", "source_attr_name": "vars_frecklet", "required": False, } }, "FreckletsTemplateKeysAttribute", "CliArgumentsAttribute", "TaskListAttribute", "TaskListResolvedAttribute", ], "ting_id_attr": "frecklet_name", "mixins": [FrecklecutableMixin], "loaders": { "frecklet_files": { "class": "ting.tings.FileTings", "load_config": {"folder_load_file_match_regex": "\\.frecklet$"}, "attributes": [ { "DictContentAttribute": { "dict_name": "_metadata_raw", "source_attr_name": "ting_content", } }, "FileStringContentAttribute", { "MirrorAttribute": { "source_attr_name": "filename_no_ext", "target_attr_name": "frecklet_name", } }, ], }, "frecklet_file": { "class": "ting.tings.FileTings", "load_config": {}, "attributes": [ { "DictContentAttribute": { "dict_name": "_metadata_raw", "source_attr_name": "ting_content", } }, "FileStringContentAttribute", { "MirrorAttribute": { "source_attr_name": "full_path", "target_attr_name": "frecklet_name", } }, ], }, "frecklet_dicts": { "class": "ting.tings.DictTings", "load_config": {}, "attributes": [], }, }, } # FRECKLET_LOAD_CONFIG_FILE = copy.deepcopy(FRECKLET_LOAD_CONFIG) # FRECKLET_LOAD_CONFIG_FILE["loaders"]["frecklet_files"]["load_config"] = {} # FRECKLET_LOAD_CONFIG_FILE["loaders"]["frecklet_files"]["attributes"] = [ # { # "DictContentAttribute": { # "dict_name": "_metadata_raw", # "source_attr_name": "ting_content", # } # }, # "FileStringContentAttribute", # { # "MirrorAttribute": { # "source_attr_name": "full_path", # "target_attr_name": "frecklet_name", # } # }, # ] # class FreckletCast(TingCast): # # FRECKLET_ATTRS = [ # FileStringContentAttribute(), # DictContentAttribute( # dict_name="_metadata_raw", source_attr_name="ting_content" # ), # ArgsAttribute( # source_attr_name="_metadata_raw", # target_attr_name="args", # index_attr_name="_meta_parent_repo", # validate_list_attr="template_keys", # ), # DocAttribute(), # FreckletMetaAttribute(), # FreckletsAttribute(), # TaskListDetailedAttribute(), # TaskTreeAttribute(), # RequiredVariablesAttribute(), # FreckletsTemplateKeysAttribute(), # CliArgumentsAttribute(), # TaskListAttribute(), # TaskListResolvedAttribute(), # ] # # def __init__(self): # # super(FreckletCast, self).__init__( # "Frecklet", # ting_attributes=FreckletCast.FRECKLET_ATTRS, # ting_id_attr="filename_no_ext", # mixins=[FrecklecutableMixin], # ) # # # class FreckletTings(TingTings): # # DEFAULT_TING_CAST = FreckletCast # # def __init__(self, repo_name, tingsets, load_config=None, **kwargs): # # super(FreckletTings, self).__init__( # repo_name=repo_name, tingsets=tingsets, load_config=load_config # )