Source code for freckles.utils.host_utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
import os
import sys
from distutils.spawn import find_executable

import click
from plumbum import local

from frutils.exceptions import FrklException
from frutils.frutils_cli import check_local_executable

log = logging.getLogger("freckles")

[docs]def parse_target_string(target_string): if target_string == "vagrant" or target_string.startswith("vagrant:"): details = get_vagrant_details(target_string) elif "find-pi" in target_string: details = get_pi_details(target_string) elif "::" in target_string: c_type, target_string = target_string.split("::", 1) if c_type == "lxd": details = get_lxd_details(target_string=target_string) elif c_type == "docker": details = get_docker_details(target_string=target_string) elif c_type == "buildah": details = get_buildah_details(target_string=target_string) else: raise FrklException( msg="Can't parse target string.", reason="Unknown connection type: {}".format(c_type), ) return details else: details = get_host_details(target_string) return details
[docs]def get_lxd_details(target_string): if "@" in target_string: log.warning( "'@' detected in 'lxd' target string. Most likley this won't work, the 'lxd' connection plugin only supports the 'root' user." ) details = {} details["connection_type"] = "lxd" details["host"] = target_string details["user"] = "root" return details
[docs]def get_buildah_details(target_string): if "@" in target_string: user, host = target_string.split("@", 1) else: user = "root" host = target_string details = {} details["connection_type"] = "buildah" details["host"] = host details["user"] = user return details
[docs]def get_podman_details(target_string): if "@" in target_string: user, host = target_string.split("@", 1) else: user = "root" host = target_string details = {} details["connection_type"] = "podman" details["host"] = host details["user"] = user return details
[docs]def get_docker_details(target_string): if "@" in target_string: user, host = target_string.split("@", 1) else: user = "root" host = target_string details = {} details["connection_type"] = "docker" details["host"] = host details["user"] = user return details
[docs]def get_vagrant_details(target_string): if target_string == "vagrant": host = "default" else: host = target_string.split(":")[1] if host != "default": hosts = list_vagrant_hosts() if hosts is None: raise Exception("Not in a Vagrant folder, or Vagrant not installed.") if host not in hosts.keys(): raise Exception( "No Vagrant host '{}' available. Are you in the right folder?".format( host ) ) if not hosts[host]: raise Exception("Vagrant host '{}' not running.".format(host)) env = dict(os.environ) # make a copy of the environment lp_key = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" # for Linux and *BSD. lp_orig = env.get(lp_key + "_ORIG") # pyinstaller >= 20160820 has this with local.env(): if lp_orig is not None: local.env[lp_key] = lp_orig # restore the original, unmodified value else: local.env.pop(lp_key, None) # last resort: remove the env var vagrant = local["vagrant"] rc, config, stderr =["ssh-config", host]) host_details = parse_vagrant_ssh_config_string(config) host_details["connection_type"] = "ssh" host_details["is_vagrant"] = True return host_details
[docs]def parse_vagrant_ssh_config_string(config_string): host = None port = None user = None ssh_key = None for line in config_string.split("\n"): line = line.strip() if line.startswith("HostName "): host = line.split()[1] elif line.startswith("User "): user = line.split()[1] elif line.startswith("Port "): port = int(line.split()[1]) elif line.startswith("IdentityFile "): ssh_key = line.split()[1] result = {} if host: result["host"] = host if user: result["user"] = user if port: result["port"] = port if ssh_key: result["ssh_key"] = ssh_key return result
[docs]def list_vagrant_hosts(): try: vagrant_path = find_executable("vagrant") env = dict(os.environ) # make a copy of the environment lp_key = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" # for Linux and *BSD. lp_orig = env.get(lp_key + "_ORIG") # pyinstaller >= 20160820 has this with local.env(): if lp_orig is not None: local.env[lp_key] = lp_orig # restore the original, unmodified value else: local.env.pop(lp_key, None) # last resort: remove the env var vagrant_exe = local[vagrant_path] rc, stdout, stderr =["status", "--machine-readable"]) status_out = stdout.rstrip() # status_out = ( # subprocess.check_output( # nosec # ["vagrant", "status", "--machine-readable"] # ) # .decode("utf-8") # .rstrip() # ) except (Exception): return None hosts = {} for line in status_out.split("\n"): tokens = line.split(",") # timestamp = tokens[0] hostname = tokens[1] data_type = tokens[2] data = tokens[3:] if data_type == "state": if data[0] == "running": hosts[hostname] = True else: hosts[hostname] = False return hosts
[docs]def get_pi_details(target_string): if target_string == "find-pi": host = "default" user = "pi" else: if "@" in target_string: user, host = target_string.split("@") else: click.echo( "Can't parse Raspberry pi host-value, '{}', please use '<user>@find-pi".format( target_string ) ) sys.exit(1) log.debug("Raspberry Pi user: '{}', host alias: '{}'".format(user, host)) nmap_available = check_local_executable("arp") if not nmap_available: click.echo( "\n'arp' is not installed on this machine, can't discover Rasperry Pis on this network. Either install it manually, or use the 'pkg-arp-installed' frecklecutable:\n\nfrecklecute pkg-arp-installed\n" ) sys.exit(1) arp = local["arp"] awk = local["awk"] chain = arp["-n"] | awk["/b8:27:eb/ {print $1}"] result = chain() addresses = result.strip().split("\n") if len(addresses) == 0: click.echo( "No Raspberry Pi found in this network, you'll have to specify the ip address manually..." ) sys.exit() if len(addresses) > 1: click.echo("\nMore than one IP addresses for Raspbery pi's found:") for a in addresses: click.echo(" - {}".format(a)) click.echo() click.echo("Using first one: {}".format(addresses[0])) else: click.echo( "\nFound exactly one IP belonging to a Raspberry Pi: {}".format( addresses[0] ) ) address = addresses[0] host_details = {"host": address, "user": user, "connection_type": "ssh"} return host_details
[docs]def get_host_details(host_string): """Parse a string to get user, protocol, host, etc. Args: host_string (str): the string Returns: dict: a dict containing the differnt parts """ if not host_string: return {} username = None protocol = None host = None port = None if "://" in host_string: protocol, host = host_string.split("://") else: host = host_string if "@" in host: username, host = host.split("@") if ":" in host: host, port = host.split(":") result = {} if protocol: result["protocol"] = protocol if username: result["user"] = username if host: result["host"] = host if port: result["port"] = int(port) return result