Source code for freckles.utils.runs

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import abc
import csv
import io
import json
import logging
import os
import threading
import time
from collections import OrderedDict

import click
import fasteners
import psutil
import six
from colorama import Fore
from import FileSystemEventHandler
from watchdog.observers import Observer

from freckles.defaults import (
from frutils.exceptions import FrklException

run_log_lock = threading.Lock()

log = logging.getLogger("freckles")

[docs]def convert_log_file_row(row): data = {} data["uuid"] = row[0] data["run_alias"] = row[1] data["frecklet_name"] = row[2] data["adapter"] = row[3] data["env_dir"] = row[4] data["state"] = row[5] data["timestamp"] = float(row[6]) data["pid"] = int(row[7]) data["proc_name"] = row[8].strip() return data
[docs]def freckles_run_process_exists(run_data): if isinstance(run_data, int): pid = run_data else: pid = run_data["pid"] if pid < 0: return False running = psutil.pid_exists(pid) if not running: return False proc = psutil.Process(pid) if != run_data["proc_name"]: return False return True
# This should never be called manually, only once using the 'atexit' register method in # @fasteners.interprocess_locked(path=FRECKLES_RUN_LOG_FILE_LOCK)
[docs]def clean_runs_log_file(): if not os.path.exists(FRECKLES_RUN_LOG_FILE_PATH): return try: with fasteners.InterProcessLock(FRECKLES_RUN_LOG_FILE_LOCK): with run_log_lock: with, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: lines = f.readlines() result = [] for line in lines: if not line.strip(): continue data = convert_log_file_row(line.split(",")) if data["state"] != "started": continue # if data["pid"] == os.getpid(): # continue if not freckles_run_process_exists(data): continue result.append(line) with, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write("".join(result)) except (Exception) as e: print("CLEANUP FAILED") log.debug("Could not clean up runs log file: {}".format(e))
# @fasteners.interprocess_locked(path=FRECKLES_RUN_LOG_FILE_LOCK)
[docs]def write_runs_log(properties, adapter_name, state): try: # currently, keeping logs is not supported # the cleanup function above needs to be adjusted for that keep_logs = False with fasteners.InterProcessLock(FRECKLES_RUN_LOG_FILE_LOCK): with run_log_lock: if state == "started": pid = os.getpid() proc_name = psutil.Process(pid).name() else: pid = -1 proc_name = "-" if keep_logs: row = [ properties["uuid"], properties["run_metadata"].get( "run_alias", properties["frecklet_name"] ), properties["frecklet_name"], adapter_name, properties["env_dir"], state, time.time(), pid, proc_name, ] with FRECKLES_LAST_RUN_FILE_PATH, "w", encoding="utf-8", buffering=1 ) as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerow(row) with FRECKLES_RUN_LOG_FILE_PATH, "a", encoding="utf-8", buffering=1 ) as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerow(row) else: if state == "started": row = [ properties["uuid"], properties["run_metadata"].get( "run_alias", properties["frecklet_name"] ), properties["frecklet_name"], adapter_name, properties["env_dir"], state, time.time(), pid, proc_name, ] with FRECKLES_RUN_LOG_FILE_PATH, "a", encoding="utf-8", buffering=1, ) as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerow(row) with FRECKLES_LAST_RUN_FILE_PATH, "w", encoding="utf-8", buffering=1, ) as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerow(row) else: with open(FRECKLES_RUN_LOG_FILE_PATH, "r") as inp, open( FRECKLES_RUN_LOG_FILE_PATH + ".tmp", "w", buffering=1 ) as out: writer = csv.writer(out) for row in csv.reader(inp): if not row: continue if row[0] != properties["uuid"]: writer.writerow(row) os.rename( FRECKLES_RUN_LOG_FILE_PATH + ".tmp", FRECKLES_RUN_LOG_FILE_PATH, ) except (Exception) as e: print("COULD NOT WRITE JOBS LOG: {}".format(e)) log.debug("Could not write run log file: {}".format(e))
[docs]def get_current_runs(): if not os.path.exists(FRECKLES_RUN_LOG_FILE_PATH): return {} content = OrderedDict() with, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: for row in csv.reader(f): if not row: continue data = convert_log_file_row(row) if data["state"] == "started": content[data["uuid"]] = data else: if data["uuid"] in content: content.pop(data["uuid"]) result = OrderedDict() for uuid, data in content.items(): if not freckles_run_process_exists(data): continue result[uuid] = data return result
[docs]def get_last_run(): if not os.path.exists(FRECKLES_LAST_RUN_FILE_PATH): return None with, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: for row in csv.reader(f): if not row: continue data = convert_log_file_row(row) break if not os.path.exists(data["env_dir"]): return None return data
[docs]class RunWatchManager(object): def __init__(self, *run_watchers): self._run_watchers = run_watchers self._lock = threading.Lock() self._current_runs = None self._runs_event_handler = FrecklesRunsListFileHandler( callback=self.update_current_runs ) self._runs_observer = None self._aliases = {} self._unique_index = {}
[docs] def start(self): current_runs = get_current_runs() self.update_current_runs(current_runs) self._runs_observer = watch_runs(self._runs_event_handler)
[docs] def stop(self): for watcher in self._run_watchers: watcher.stop() self._runs_observer.stop()
[docs] def join_runs_watch(self): self._runs_observer.join()
[docs] @fasteners.locked def update_current_runs(self, current_runs): if self._current_runs: old_current = self._current_runs else: old_current = {} self._current_runs = current_runs for uuid, r in self._current_runs.items(): if uuid in old_current.keys(): continue index = 0 while index in self._unique_index.values(): index = index + 1 alias = r["run_alias"] if alias.startswith("__dyn_"): alias = "no_name" elif os.path.sep in alias: alias = "...{}{}".format(os.path.sep, os.path.basename(alias)) if alias not in self._aliases.keys(): self._aliases[alias] = 1 alias_new = alias else: current = self._aliases[alias] current = current + 1 alias_new = "{}_{}".format(alias, current) self._aliases[alias] = current self.run_started(uuid=uuid, alias=alias_new, run_data=r, index=index) old_current[uuid] = r self._unique_index[uuid] = index remove = [] for uuid, run_data in old_current.items(): if uuid not in self._current_runs.keys(): remove.append(uuid) continue if not freckles_run_process_exists(run_data): remove.append(uuid) for r in remove: self.run_finished(r) self._unique_index.pop(r) if not self._current_runs: self._aliases = {} self._unique_index = {}
[docs] def run_started(self, uuid, alias, run_data, index): for watcher in self._run_watchers: watcher.run_started(uuid=uuid, alias=alias, run_data=run_data, index=index)
[docs] def run_finished(self, uuid): for watcher in self._run_watchers: watcher.run_finished(uuid=uuid)
[docs]class FrecklesLogFileHander(FileSystemEventHandler): def __init__( self, run_alias, watch_path=None, created_callback=None, callback=None, finished_callback=None, adapter_log=None, index=0, ): if adapter_log and watch_path: raise FrklException( msg="Can only watch either the adapter log, or a specific path." ) if watch_path is None: watch_path = "run_log.json" if run_alias.startswith("__dyn_"): run_alias = "_no_name_" self._alias = run_alias self._index = index self._watch_path = watch_path self._created_callback = created_callback self._callback = callback self._finished_callback = finished_callback self._last_file_pos = 0 self._adapter_log = adapter_log if not self._adapter_log: self._log_file = os.path.join(self._env_dir, self._watch_path) else: if self._adapter == "nsbl": self._log_file = os.path.join( self._env_dir, "nsbl/logs/ansible_run_log" ) else: raise FrklException(msg="Watching logs for adapter '{}' not supported.") self._watch_dir = os.path.dirname(self._log_file)
[docs] def on_created(self, event): if not self._created_callback: return if event.src_path != self._log_file: return self._created_callback(event.src_path)
[docs] def on_modified(self, event): if not self._callback: return if event.src_path != self._log_file: return if not os.path.exists(event.src_path): return [] with, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: data = f.readlines() self._last_file_pos = f.tell() if not self._adapter_log: result = [] for line in data: d = json.loads(line) result.append(d["value"]) else: result = data return self._callback(result)
[docs] def on_deleted(self, event): if not self._finished_callback: return if event.src_path != self._log_file: return self._finished_callback()
[docs]@six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class FrecklesRunWatcher(object):
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def run_started(self, uuid, alias, run_data, index): pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def run_finished(self, uuid): pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def stop(self): pass
[docs]class FrecklesCurrentRunsWatcher(FrecklesRunWatcher): def __init__(self): self._current_runs = None @property def current_runs(self): if self._current_runs is not None: return self._current_runs self._current_runs = get_current_runs() return self._current_runs
[docs] def run_started(self, uuid, alias, run_data, index): click.echo("run started: {}".format(run_data["run_alias"])) self.current_runs[uuid] = run_data click.echo("\ncurrent runs:") for r in self.current_runs.values(): click.echo(" - {}".format(r["run_alias"])) click.echo()
[docs] def run_finished(self, uuid): click.echo("run finished: {}".format(self.current_runs[uuid]["run_alias"])) self.current_runs.pop(uuid) if not self.current_runs: click.echo("\ncurrent runs: none") else: click.echo("\ncurrent runs:") for r in self.current_runs.values(): click.echo(" - {}".format(r["run_alias"])) click.echo()
[docs] def stop(self): pass
[docs]class FrecklesRunsLogTerminalOutput(FrecklesRunWatcher): def __init__(self, watch_path=None, adapter_log=False): if adapter_log and watch_path: raise FrklException( msg="Can only watch either the adapter log, or a specific path." ) self._watch_path = watch_path self._adapter_log = adapter_log self._log_file_printers = {}
[docs] def run_started(self, uuid, alias, run_data, index): fw = FrecklesRunLogTerminalOutput( alias, run_data, watch_path=self._watch_path, adapter_log=self._adapter_log, index=index, ) self._log_file_printers[uuid] = fw
[docs] def run_finished(self, uuid): fw = self._log_file_printers[uuid] fw.finished() self._log_file_printers.pop(uuid)
[docs] def stop(self): for uuid in self._log_file_printers.keys(): fw = self._log_file_printers[uuid] fw.finished(print_status=False) self._log_file_printers = {}
[docs]class FrecklesRunLogTerminalOutput(FrecklesLogFileHander): COLORS = [ Fore.GREEN, Fore.CYAN, Fore.BLUE, Fore.LIGHTRED_EX, Fore.MAGENTA, Fore.YELLOW, Fore.RED, ] def __init__(self, run_alias, run_data, watch_path=None, adapter_log=None, index=0): self._run_data = run_data self._uuid = self._run_data["uuid"] self._adapter = self._run_data["adapter"] self._env_dir = self._run_data["env_dir"] self._started = self._run_data["timestamp"] super(FrecklesRunLogTerminalOutput, self).__init__( run_alias=run_alias, watch_path=watch_path, callback=self.updated, finished_callback=self.finished, adapter_log=adapter_log, index=index, ) self._observer = watch_log_file(self._watch_dir, self) self._finished = False
[docs] def updated(self, data): if not self._adapter_log: self.updated_log(data) else: self.updated_adapter(data)
[docs] def updated_adapter(self, data): if self._index < len(FrecklesRunLogTerminalOutput.COLORS): color_index = self._index else: color_index = self._index % len(FrecklesRunLogTerminalOutput.COLORS) color = FrecklesRunLogTerminalOutput.COLORS[color_index] for line in data: click.echo( "{}{}: {}{}".format(color, self._alias, line, Fore.RESET), nl=False )
[docs] def updated_log(self, data): if self._index < len(FrecklesRunLogTerminalOutput.COLORS): color_index = self._index else: color_index = self._index % len(FrecklesRunLogTerminalOutput.COLORS) color = FrecklesRunLogTerminalOutput.COLORS[color_index] for d in data: print_task_detail(d, alias=self._alias, color=color)
[docs] def finished(self, print_status=True): if not self._finished: self._finished = True if print_status: click.echo( "{}: finished (some log output might not have been printed if 'keep_run_folder' is set to false)".format( self._alias ) ) self._observer.stop()
[docs]class FrecklesRunsListFileHandler(FileSystemEventHandler): def __init__(self, callback): self._callback = callback
[docs] def on_any_event(self, event): if event.src_path == FRECKLES_RUN_LOG_FILE_PATH or ( hasattr(event, "dest_path") and event.dest_path == FRECKLES_RUN_LOG_FILE_PATH ): content = get_current_runs() self._callback(content)
[docs]def watch_runs(event_handler): observer = Observer() observer.schedule( event_handler, os.path.dirname(FRECKLES_RUN_LOG_FILE_PATH), recursive=False ) observer.start() return observer
[docs]def watch_log_file(env_dir, event_handler): observer = Observer() observer.schedule(event_handler, env_dir, recursive=False) observer.start() return observer